Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Donald the Buffalo

I was going to write something on Donald as a lion sleeping tonight or in his winter but he's not a lion he's a buffalo. Lions aren't born as privileged as Donald though there are still similarities--lions are basically all show and let their mane and roar represent them

Donald is more a grazer and furry monstrosity masquerading as something else. He thinks he's a DOER, a paragon and champion of efficacy and accomplishment when all he does is walk around and eat and shit and occasionally break a run in the safety of his herd. 

Our president--a hulking, hairy beast--is all image. The amazing thing is that the ideas of his independence and agency still survive as every other possibility of positive attributes, like intelligence, emotional stability and decency, falls away. It's because of his wealth. 

That is Donald's virtual and invisible herd, the comfort and ease he has known, that of the monied class, though he has no class at all, as New Yorkers know. Trump could never crack the ranks of the accepted elite among his rich peers because he's a boor and a pig. 

And now he's a president. Step back from it and behold the buffalo. It's a lot to take in. 

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