Tuesday, April 17, 2018

A New Nemesis

I need a new nemesis. The last guy I followed, to keep an eye on the temper and trends of the right-wing's burgeoning and morphing insanities, apparently got booted off the medium of Medium. He had followers and admirers. His success--he's a talented and arresting writer--might have gone to his head. The slurs, bigotry and invective began to be more open, undeniable and aggressive.

He was a backwater operator and a romantic--a crank and crusader of the old-school--appropriately powerless and marginalized. It makes the hate less upsetting, however much it is to be decried. But, of course, such people are now running everything and threaten armed rebellion if challenged. The "rule of law" to them is theirs. They own the franchise, exclusive of us, and will not give it up. 

So it is, not the rule-of-law at all, but thuggery. 

My new candidate for nemesis is Kurt Schlichter. But, there's a problem--I find his writings too poisonous, threatening and hate-filled to read. And, we know too well, his type are in the new mainstream and well represented by Trump. Look him up and try a dose of Herr Schlichter. See what you think. He recently ranted over a suggestion for a California-style Democratic resurgence.

Read it. It's nothing but thinly-veiled threats and an open call-to-arms in the event of an actual (or imaginary) constitutional, democratic reinvention of America as the state it was supposed to be before the Confederacy took over. I'll admit instantly I'm afraid of Schlichter. He's fantastically paranoid, as convinced he's under attack as he is attacking, projecting his fears all over the place. 

Maybe onto me, if he ever discovers I exist. 

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