Saturday, March 31, 2018

A Half-Century of Magical Thinking

Ajit Pai provides another reminder of Republicans' penchant for magical thinking. He says the obvious screwing of poor people he's proposing--in shutting down subsidies for broadband--is somehow (here comes the magic!) going to result in more and better internet among the needy. I have some experience with this, Ajit.

Poor Mr. Pai might be out of the loop: I have been trying for years to get better bandwidth. I can see it on a telephone pole from my property. There is plenty of it there but the utilities go underground at that point. Sure, they'll bring it back--for $8000 per household. So, I have lived a long time with lowly (but decent) DSL. 

I want my magic! Where's my trickle down and supply side? Where's my rising tide? Where's my internet and the promised democratic miracle in the Middle East for which we have paid so much? Again, we are left to comment on what a deep bench of smirking, incompetent, lying assholes Republicans have, men like Mr. Pai. 

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