Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Sarah Show

Sarah Huckabee Sanders hosts a show at the White House media franchise. Increasingly it's an arm of Fox News as Trump retreats into whatever remote corners reassure him that he is great and always right. Even by the standards at Fox the plunge is into its murkiest area of paranoia and conspiracy thinking: Hannity.

Yes, Hannity. Hannity is now a major source of inspiration for Trump. Narcissism is all about mirroring. Little Donnie has no sense of who he is independently of what people tell him and how he sees himself otherwise reflected in some hideous creation, like Trump Tower. He always requires reassurance and validation. 

This need has swallowed up the entire executive branch and compromised Congress. What else will it ingest? That is the question. We are left with the feeble efforts of the Huckabee interface as an assumed source of information and an avenue of accountability. Poor Sarah, whose life is defined entirely by her faith.

All she can do is blatantly lie in front of the whole world. Why bother with her. It is now the fate of America to reflect and mirror Trump in some way--as a failed casino, tacky tower or golf course sucking down resources like mad for the amusement of the few...the elect...the rich white men. Those are our options. 

I fear the casino fate most but can't resign myself to any of it.

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