Monday, November 6, 2017

Watch How Republicans Handle a Dumpster Fire

The equivalency industry is heating up. I wish I had stock in it. Trump's supporters, seeing their hero hit dumpster-fire levels of incompetence already, are rolling out their Bush-era emergency kits, trying frantically to protect the party from damage. With Bush they were successful but mostly because he left the country in such an awful, flaming mess it took years just to quell the fires.

Some still smolder. The results of Trump's hideous reign await us so the best money is spent attacking and defaming Hillary and her allies. Only Donald himself can tackle Mueller and, of course, his backers know better than anyone the liklihood he will screw that up. He is a prop though not as predictable as their last one. Bush was putty. Trump is plastic but explosive. One mistake and--kaboom!

They handle him with care but not for the good of the country, protecting only themselves. Republicans are fighting their dumpster fire by starting more fires. That's how much they care about America. They scramble and hype up the Hillary-hate to direct attention away from themselves but nobody is in their class--not when it comes to malfeasance, malign governance and hypocrisy.

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