Friday, October 27, 2017

The End

Notice how Republicans continue to support Trump even though it's clear he's criminally incompetent, criminally unfit and probably a criminal. No one could have known how bad it would be. No one could have known he wouldn't rise to the responsibility but sink to unprecedented depths of disgrace. 

We know now, though, and Republicans continue to support him. It's a national emergency. America is being ruled by cranks and crooks. Everyone sits around talking about it as though it's within previous parameters or a form of entertainment or an accident and a fluke without permanent, practical effects.

They pretend it isn't representative of anything but it is what we are now--ourselves, utterly disgraced. This is the end of life as we have known it and we are in steerage or manning the engine rooms in a sinking ship. Some of the rich will get away, wealthy men and their families first. The rest of us will drown.

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