Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Sunsetting of the Aggrieved: This Product is No Longer Supported

For most people--certainly for me--the stories of glorious victory are easier to take than the grudges and strivings of those wanting justice or redress. "The poor will always be with you." Okay. Screw them, then. Because, this assumes inevitable poverty, a situation in which if all the resources of the world were perfectly, evenly distributed there still wouldn't be enough to go around. 

Is it not a cry of inevitability, fatalism and despair? So, embrace inequality. Herald despair.

No, brother. Rather, since when is cynicism the province of those transformed by the love of Christ? Since when is it the Biblical message to give up? Since when is it our place to judge? It isn't, but the aggrieved have a hard case in a society as wealthy as ours. Moral deficiency and incompetence are more easily assumed than lack of opportunity, deprivation and a poor growing medium. 

But some seeds still fall on worse ground than others. Also, the idea of earthly justice flatters its promoters. 

They are the winners. Winning implies and imputes moral superiority unto them. Why the fuck not? They are running the show anyway. Why not declare victory in every realm, sphere, eminence and domain? While we're at it with the why-the-fuck's, fuck them back. Oh, what fun! And all in the name of Jesus. Back at Gethsemane, the aggrieved look on, their very existence invalidated. 

Obsolescence is theirs. Onward to the landfill. They are discarded, too weak to warrant crucifixion.

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