Wednesday, September 27, 2017

"Some Day My Prince Will Come..."

Moving on now from calamitous healthcare reform to calamitious tax reform we will witness the Republicans frolicking in an area in which they have demonstrated expertise, bankrupting the government. Why must they? Because only the government, as designed, with a balance of powers, can protect us from the final corporatization of our democracy into rule by the rich. 

The gavel will come down on Washington at last--the sale final. However powerful they may seem McConnell and Ryan are lackeys. Observe them closely. They are submissive and most comfy kowtowing to Kochs. They will be discarded eventually and live out their lives in reptilian indolence, a perfection of sangfroid--actual cold-bloodedness--protected forever from the warm-blooded masses.

Meanwhile they will try to destroy Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security as soon as the government is sufficiently insolvent, saying we can't afford it. This has always been their goal, to screw poorer people and the Middle Class out of existence. There will be huge tax cuts for the wealthy. Trickle Down and Rising Tide talk await us. And, if you still believe those tired lies--sing it!

"Someday my prince will come..." We will need all the saving we can get, as a powerless class of modern serfs and screwees hoping for miracles, saviors or means of escape, but why give away our freedom in the first place? Evidently we are undeserving of it, careless and spoiled. Shame on us for taking for granted this amazing gift for which few of us have ever sacrificed anything.

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