Monday, August 21, 2017

Somewhere Off the Coast of Sanity

I can't think of a good, extendable analogy right now but the battles being fought by the left are minor slave revolts within the confines of a conquered nation. Democrats have been so utterly defeated and swept from the field and they can't see it. 

We are granting assumptions by the nature of our resistance that aren't within the bounds of sanity. We are confirming lost ground and granting and ceding to Republicans things that are outside of the rules of the game. I know, we are supposed to play fair.

They don't. And we are the subjugated, opiated masses. An illusion of democracy sustains us, apart from actual opioids, to which half the country is apparently addicted. We are living a myth as much as our oppressors--that we still have any power at all. 

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