Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Dennis Prager, Bring It On

Dennis Prager, previously a nutball to an ambiguous degree, has now asserted that Democrats must be disenfranchised if the country is to survive. We are the (once frenemy) enemy. And this is not in a neo-Nazi, white-supremacist rag but in the National Review. It is being debated as though it is a serious opinion and an option worth considering. It involves supporting Trump.

Maybe the National Review is a white-supremacist rag. Anyway, I liked to see Prager's spiel published out in the open since Republicans have been shafting Democrats for decades and depriving them of a role in running our country while trashing it themselves. They crippled and bankrupted the government and caused the greatest unjust concentration of wealth in human history.

They wrecked the economy and caused the Great Recession through malfeasance and deregulation. They let manufacturing jobs flee to bargain-basement labor markets to please (genuflect) big corporations. They pitted Americans against one another. They wasted trillions of dollars on interminable wars. In any reasonable, normal sense of the word they have betrayed our country.

And let's not forget they gave us (bow the head or curtsie) Trump. For that alone I'm happy to be their enemy. The final solution to their Democrat (sic) problem is in the works. Decades of veiled threats and now it's (more) out in the open. So, Dennis, you flaming, racist, piece-of-shit scumbag, bring it on. Oh--did someone not tell you?--people don't like being deprived of their rights.

No Hope, Lots of Hosannas

Hope Hicks has discovered the secret to success in Trumpworld. Fawning deference was a given. Obsequious delusion is a must. Reality-free marketing makes everything possible. Granting even these, the key is to find a way to fly above the Trump-induced turbulence and mayhem.

That path, the Tao of Trumpism, is to raise the practice of non-responsiveness to the plane of existence or being and stay there, knowing that everyone else--the media and the American people--will follow because they have no choice. They can't force Spicey to answer the question.

Spicey seems powerless but he has all the power. The Hicks formulation is to go out there and simply assert Trump's indescribable greatness in the face of his incompetence. Short of a subpoena nobody can do anything about it and hold Trump accountable. We are the powerless ones.

There isn't a court of law to enforce order or a court of jurisdiction anywhere. There is no accountability. Hicks's breakthrough, made possible by her idiocy and lack of moral sense, is to realize just how screwed the American people are in the face of the Trumpists not giving a shit. 

A really evil, demented group of people have hijacked our government and, contrary to what they say, there are many very important functions only the government can perform. And the bimbo herself, "Hosanna" Hope Hicks, will praise Trump unceasingly as he marches us into hell. 

Sunday, May 28, 2017

March on Washington

Sherman's March was nothing in comparison with the South's revenge for desegregation--the remaking of the American State into a new Confederacy, now nearing completion. Property and privilege are everything. Democracy is openly purchased and gerrymandered out of existence. 

Fear is on the rise. Fear was once an irrational, carefully nurtured subplot in America--the abode of the Birchers in the age of our economic and cultural supremacy. Now it's a rational reaction to the avowed Republican intention to deconstruct the government. It will end our democracy.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Trump Befouls Temple Mount With His Presence

Trump, the most sacrilegious and profane president ever, polluted the environs of the Temple Mount the other day requiring that the place be ritually cleansed and purified after his visit. In another story, Trump also befouled the Vatican prompting religious scholars to consider whether a holy site can be properly decontaminated after exposure to Trump. 

The determination rests on the possibility that Trump has shown human beings to be unsuitable for redemption, thereby making all traditional religions obsolete and reducing them to cultural confabs and ceremonial, ritualized fish-frys.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Pity the Poor Billionaire

I feel bad for Trump in a way. He's making an ass of himself in front of the whole world. And he can't seem to help it.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Google Das Boot

It's weird in some ways to criticize Google while writing on their free blog (which could use some work, I'll tell you) but--ahem--I'm doing it on an iPad. So, take that. I spread my allegiance around among the tech mega-companies because I'm curious but also because I'd rather have my nuts squeezed sequentially by less well-leveraged entities than mashed-on all at once, to preserve some of what's left of my primal, masculine power.

Speaking of which, there's a known propensity among the techies to compensate with arrogance for feelings of inadequacy on earthier fronts and I wish they would get over it. Some of them--the Google guys?--seem to fundamentally mean well but have trouble understanding the lives of lesser beings. A trip to Burning Man, for example, is called a vacation and the festival is not--though I know y'all love it and certainly deserve some rest and relaxation (or stimulation, if it floats your yacht)--a model for much other than that, let alone for the new, emerging world culture spawned by the capabilities of your creations. 

My fear is this, that technologies don't operate in a moral vacuum or spontaneously create good government and higher social organization on the fly as an accidental byproduct of being rooted in the mysteries of the godhead through natural law or its equivalent. That shit takes work. Certain Germans excelled everybody in technical prowess of a kind and still sank their own boats, metaphorically, and a bunch of others with them. Libertarianism is nothing but indiscipline, wishful thinking and a leap of faith with no rigorous, theoretical backing or empirical weight. And whatever happened to common sense about these matters?

Muskovites, and Elon himself, seem to understand this, maybe because of Elon's experiences in a time-bomb society (South Africa) at an earlier, impressionable age. Problems of larger-level, complex, organic systems with adaptive and sometimes irrational parts resist applications of analytical thinking and convergent methods. They are divergent as hell and only integrative, dynamic methods may work and the products of errors at this level can undo any amount of good effort in the engine rooms, at the expense of everyone. People have been proven adept at suicidal self-destruction and it ought to be kept in mind.

A weak government modeled on or under the thumb of businesses is the opposite of what we need. Any rational, mega-business will resist strong government because they want to print money--to remove themselves from competition and conditions of risk. The best and most successful of them have done it. They can buy any threatening entity before it gets big enough to challenge them and they can only be understood, functionally, as sub- or quasi-states. The government is supposed to protect the little guys. "Libertarianism" is a smoke screen, an attempt to put a lock on a status quo of privilege that works in their favor. 

Someone has to look out for the bigger picture as only a responsible government can. We have to insist on strong and good government and keep businesses the hell out of it. Their influence and self-interested opinions have corrupted the discussion but we should love our government. Only it can protect our freedoms. Otherwise we can win the battles and lose the war. A company like Google can do everything right and conquer the world and still be undone by social or economic collapse. They have to understand that we don't need them they need us and that the government is our representative in this, not theirs.

They are capable enough of looking out for themselves.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

It's Hard to Have Faith

It's hard to have faith that there will ever be accountability for the fifty-year slide into perdition brought to the American State by the Republican Party--since Nixon, nothing from them but thuggery, incompetence, criminality, malfeasance, misrepresentation and failure. 

I can't believe that these crooks still make a case for their catastrophic economic doctrines. And, in domestic and foreign affairs, they have proven once and for all that it's impossible to have coherent policies without moral underpinnings. Realism, they may call it. 

Or they can call it neo-liberalism or whatever rebranding emerges most recently from their think-tanks. Those institutions, funded by rich people, can never bring themselves, for the love of God, to recommend anything other than tax breaks for themselves and deregulation. 

And we are supposed to believe that these are independent, patriotic, altruistic, unbiased and intellectually honest operations without vested or conflicted interests. What rubbish this is--though, with a fifty-year history, the truth is in the catastrophic results. 

There's no need for analysis just look at the results. The tide rose for them and no one else. Nothing trickled down but their contempt. The richest country ever is in a constant state of war but can't afford to provide proper care for its citizens or environmental protections.

The real testimony to the excellence of our system, our good fortune, and the responsible living and hard work of previous generations is how much punishment our society has been able to be endure and absorb without collapse. But now we have Trump.

In no way is this incompetent and reprehensible person an outlier. He is entirely consistent with the progress of the Republicans since Nixon into an anti-party in full-blown revolt against our laws and traditions. Trumpism is Republicanism, an ethos of unbridled greed.

Suicide by Trump

In a nuclear age where do people go with the suicidal impulses that have marked the whole history of humanity and produced so many wars and resulted in so much death? World Wars have gotten too risky so we settled for lots of little ones. Evidently it wasn't enough so we elected Trump, anyone's best bet for self-annihilation and reducing the population.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Walking into the Propeller Blade of History

Many Americans are gob-smacked at the behavior of Donald Trump but there are precedents for it and they aren't heartening. Consider this:

White Southerners wanted more than anything not to rub elbows with black people and they refused to let up on segregation. If they had, the wonderful, expanding, existing black subcultures would have flourished with some actual integration by choice and everything would have been fine and possibly great. Hispanics are an example of what can happen when there aren't insurmountable, artificial, arbitrary social constraints on minorities. Some integration occurs naturally and painlessly and everybody is more or less happy.

It's called "freedom."

But Southerners wouldn't let up. They had the dreaded specter in mind of the black guys dating their daughters. And, so, what has happened? A national nightmare of forced integration, busing, and favoritism legitimately and rightly aimed at righting historical wrongs. And the white girls think the black guys are cool--that horse is off the property--a by-product of the psychology of the forbidden fruit, to say nothing of the physical prowess of the black guys helped along by being compelled to live in tough circumstances. 

Hell, I think the black guys are cool.

Anyway, great job, white boys. But this is what denial will get you, a rendezvous with the propeller blade of history. Republican politicians have now put us all on this plan as the bitter fruit of the southern strategy ripens, rots and poisons everything. Here are some areas in which the propeller blade of history awaits us:

Environmental Decay and Global Warming
Civil Rights and Economic Justice
Rational Taxation and Regulation of Financial Firms
Respectful International Relations

Donald Trump is a president of denial--he's never been held responsible--elected to reassure certain people that we will never have to grow up. But we have to grow up and Donald is the lesson of that, a flailing man-baby stumbling along and leading us incoherently into oblivion. And the issues are not all that difficult--or, at least, they weren't. In any case there's no better time to address them than now. Denial doesn't get rid of problems it empowers and exacerbates them, and worst fears are realized in attempts at avoidance.

Pardon me, I think I hear a whirr...

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Confederate Family Values

For those of you wondering what it was like to live in a society built entirely on injustice, look no further. You're living in it.

The Reductive Presidency: Why Evangelicals Love Trump

Trump's presidency is heading off in a direction requiring an entirely new frame of reference. It doesn't mean anything to say that Donald is incompetent, for example, because he inhabits a realm of incompetence. "Incompetent" assumes points of reference to something other than itself, just as you can't define a word by itself or a cognate.

As a longtime inhabitant of the South I think I can explain. Competence is not coin of the realm there but only privilege, property and authority. Privilege is getting something for nothing but, more importantly, it's about getting everything for nothing. This is hard to understand if you haven't encountered it. Human effort is discounted in Calvinist doctrine.

If someone is born with nothing and builds an empire it is still destiny and God's work. So, to human eyes, it should seem arbitrary. In fact, if the wealth is inherited and comes from nowhere, it's in a higher and purer form because it isn't tainted by human effort and can't reinforce the heretical opinions of the unbelievers about free will and human efficacy. 

Human effort must be seen to be futile. Everything is in God's hands. That this is "insane" and reductive is further evidence of its divine origins. We can't understand it and that's not a criterion--or, it's a positive indicator. Revelation is the criterion and also biblical, literal certainty. Property, I think, comes into this as some telling baggage relating to slavery. 

Slavery wasn't just useful it was beloved. Racism is important to this thinking because it blows the perversity curve and, as we have seen, perversity and injustice are good things. It reassures the Calvinists the heathen haven't taken over and instituted earthly, rational rule independently of God and His will. We can all have justice in the afterlife, but not now.

On the privilege scale--an inverse function of competence for Calvinists--it's becoming clear that Trump is unbeatable. And privilege is an absolute measure of God's favor. This explains his appeal to evangelicals. Trump's horrifying meltdown is exactly what they sent him there for. It warms their hearts in multiple ways. They love it and will back him forever.

Monday, May 15, 2017

The Victors are Spoiled

No one I know among working people is trying to deny the victors their spoils. Any resentment is directed downwards, at the urging of the rich, onto immigrants, the ill and people without jobs. On its face this tactic is suspect. It's a documented ploy of class warriors. They play the weaker groups off against one another, wrecking their morale.

Working people still think we're in it together but the wealthy don't care about them. The ruling class would rather destroy the working person's share than see them get their hands on it--the most telling evidence against them. Iraq and Afghanistan are examples. The Great Recession is an example. Military spending is an example. Trump-care is an example. 

Everything Paul Ryan does is an example. The ruling class, the victors, are spoiled. They have had it too easy and take too much for granted. Social theorists of varying dispositions say that this is the end of a country, the loss of its social contract. Our individualistic society is degenerating into an untenable war among classes. Thank Republicans for that.

On the Origin of Speciousness

I find that I have more in common with my dog than I do with Donald Trump, not that I deny his humanity. My dog is so utterly authentic and Donald is so utterly not. His humanity is hidden and unreachable. 

That is, assuming there is some humanity there somewhere.

And I don't speciously declare Donald to be specious. What is clear is that the concepts of truth and accuracy exist for him in the meta-world of his will, and that he's both aware that it's all bullshit and not. 

Bullshit is on a higher plane of truth for Trump and only losers and mere mortals limit themselves to the constraints of factuality and reality so bullshit is the better truth of Donald's indomitable ego.

He couldn't be better positioned to expand the scope of this parallel, bullshit world. It has ensnared all of us, to a degree, no matter what we believe, because it unavoidably affects the circumstances of our lives.

I think I will go and play with my dog now. 

Edited for Intelligibility

I am in charge and everything is fine. There is absolutely nothing to worry about. I prefer stripes to polka-dots.

(This is the edited output of an hour-long interview with Donald Trump, President of the United States. Everything else was deemed demonstrably false and unintelligible.)

Sunday, May 14, 2017


Behold the dynastic ambitions of fundamentalist, preacher-scum like Jerry Falwell, Jr., a ripe turd reeking and stinking for Christ with all the hypocrisy of his kind, hands raised and eyes closed or rapturously lifted to heaven. Falwell isn't praying for redemption but basking in its certainty. That certainty of (the) election and pre-destiny now adheres to Trump but the beneficiary is God, whose good fortune it is to be associated with Donald.

Donald has deigned and stooped to do God's work, for now, of his own free will but anointed by Falwell. The tautological insanity of (the) election is revealed in this, that it imputes the authority of God to degraded, morally decomposing matter like Trump and Falwell. They answer to no one. Let them figure out this blasphemous, heretical stuff on their own time. It's their thing and it has nothing to do with us, or God, for that matter. 

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Playing Politics with American Lives

Playing politics with their constituents' lives is a positive experience for the average Republican elected official. It makes them feel powerful and important. But they should try suffering and dying sometime, needlessly, and see how they like it. 

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Trump is a Tool

Okay, I'll admit it. I don't buy the idea that Donald is our Mussolini. Trump is transparently pathetic. He didn't create a movement he's riding a wave. He didn't invent an insurrection he's an opportunist.

Donald isn't evil he's a dick. He's a tool but he's also the best tool we have to get at the Machiavellian masters of doom, the evildoers seeking hegemony, the wealthy and crazed people behind the scenes.

To understand Trump is to pity him. He isn't just a tool he's a fool. He never could win respect in New York. Now he has the biggest job ever and he's flailing around and everybody knows he's an oaf.

But the Mercers, man, and the Kochs--they would drive the entire world into the ditch without compunction or remorse. Conscience isn't a trait they acknowledge as productive. It's a weakness.

Trumpster Fire

The Trumpster is flexing his flab. Firings, executive orders and late-night, inflammatory threat-tweets are his style. Whatever it is, it isn't productive and it sure isn't presidential.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

An Unchained Melodrama

Donald Trump must be impeached, overridden, fired and somehow stopped before he starts a war or worse. Somebody, tell me, how do we get the ball rolling? I will do my part. The terrible drama of Trump must end, for the sake of our nation and humanity.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Politics of Resentment

It doesn't surprise me, living in the land of fundamentalists and evangelicals, that Trump voters still support him. They were saying "screw you" to the rest of the country. Now Trump is saying "screw you" for them.

They can't be saved. White women can be redeemed. Catholic voters can be redeemed. Forget about the South. They will come around eventually but we must ensure that there is still a recognizable democracy left.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Does the Hitler rule still apply...

when the objects are alt-right trolls and Trump-humpers? I mean, they might be flattered by the comparison.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Feed-Lot Electorate

My reading has trended back to food and agriculture and a parallel occurred to me that hadn't before, leading into the area of financialization. I have never understood the argument for the gold standard since currencies are always redeemable for something, whether bullion or hamburgers, unless the currency is hacked or irresponsibly managed, in which case it eventually becomes worthless anyway since a rogue government can't be relied on to do anything right (see: The Rise of the Republican Party After Desegregation.) 

Agricultural investigations lead inevitably to Earl Butz, the great corporatizer and consolidator of American agriculture, a supply-sider. Butz drove agriculture into over-capitalization and over-production, leading to the compression of excess calories into pseudo-foods and feeds which were then forced on farm animals and consumers through the lack of the availability of healthy, cost-competitive alternatives. Similarly, consistent and self-serving Wall Street pressure led to deregulation, mergers and buy-outs. 

Surplus capital was compressed into short-term pseudo-investments, economic crap-meals, high in profits for the providers but low in essential value. Wage structures were also destroyed. In agriculture too many calories are chasing too few consumers and in finance too much capital is chasing too few investments resulting in inflammatory over-capitalization and pressure for untenable returns. Long-term markets are made unstable and are underpinned by nothing, the gold-bugger's bugaboo. Speculators are addicted and need detox.

Wealthier people can afford anything and so they are exempted from the bad effects of this perverse and unsustainable system. There is only one cure--robust and fair regulation designed to ensure long term system-stability and a distribution of the benefits of the use of non-renewable resources to everyone. The promoters of this biased, toxic and subsidized corporate system hate the government for this reason and try to undermine and destroy it, excepting the few services essential to them (see: military industrial complex.)

As for the citizens, the electorate, the inhabitants of a feed lot, we know what happens to them and I sense that the slaughter has already begun. More than a generation of sick agriculture has resulted in sick citizens and the people who made them sick are now trying to deny them access to health care, through a hijacked and commandeered government serving only the needs of an increasingly small percentage of its citizens.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Goodbye To All That (and Then Some)

The mass murdering that went on in World War II challenged the whole idea of human progress, as had the insane waste of life in the First World War. Even the victorious European countries among the Allies seemed implicated through a common history of nationalism, imperialism, anti-democracy and belligerence. And then there was us. 

We were thought to be and thought we were different--peaceful, democratic, anti-imperial and proud but not aggressive or arrogant. I probably believed in American exceptionalism as well as any staunch conservative but based on our disposition and how we behaved, and on our political and social environment and some essentially innate qualities nurtured there.

Republicans, however, believe we are special no matter how we behave, a national (and cosmic) version of election, predestination and the prosperity gospel--a racist and arbitrary outlook rooted in circular reasoning and cynicism. They desperately and defensively assert our excellence while proving otherwise, condemning themselves and us with them. 

Anyway, even after World War II it was possible to see the carnage as symptomatic of a curable disease to which immunity had been assured because of the moral clarity of the conflict and its horror. But for America to run off the rails as we have, given our incredible good fortune, means it was never a disease, circumstantial, accidental or inessential.

It means humanity is innately, irreparably flawed and that no matter how good the fortune, beneficent our fate, immense the resource endowment, and literate and supposedly self-aware the populace we will still screw one another unconscionably. That's sad as hell, you say, and defeatist and unnecessarily pessimistic? I plead "Paul Ryan" and leave it at that.

Breaking News: Republican Gloat-Fest over Death Bill

They cry: "Huzzah!" And drink beer. Who needs Al-Qaeda! Death to Americans!

Donald Trump responds to the legitimate concerns of the people for whom he is supposed to be working, most of whom voted against him:

"Fuck you." And: "Get lost."

Trumpism Unmasked: Republicans Vote to Kill People

Average Americans should be appalled at the passage of Trumpcare in the House, the last indication they can possibly need that working people are nothing but economic cannon fodder to Trump. 

Trumpism has been revealed as greedy opportunism and class warfare and is being reviled by responsible citizens and caring people everywhere as Donald drives the country headlong into oblivion.

Yes, House Republicans and a loathsome, vain, populist president are working together to pass legislation that will result in bankruptcies and earlier deaths for many Americans.  It will kill people.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Good Ship, GOP

Yet again, with actions unable to be construed otherwise, Republicans are proving to be the political spawn of Stalin and Satan--cruel, sadistic, authoritarian and inhumane. Americans must be deprived of health care and there must be more tax cuts for the reverend rich masters and dark overlords of the GOP. Republicans are warriors from hell. As always, vulnerable and defenseless citizens will be most affected. My God, Republicans are evil. 

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Bannon's White-Board

Some of the inner workings of Steve Bannon's mind have been inadvertently revealed by the Rabbi, Smarmy Blowtorch, and it is exactly as we expected, a cesspool of bigotry and a psyche entirely consumed by ethnic divisions and the desire to act on those punitively and with a goal of exclusion.

In keeping with the disenfranchisement protocols of Republicanism Bannon is seeking to pre-disenfranchise aspiring immigrants​ by guaranteeing that they will never become citizens. Bannon is a tribal warrior of the old school. With his help we may see a return to the days of tribal warfare.

Smarmy seems joyous at the meet-up, encountering a fellow traveler, perhaps, someone for whom the first question is always about ethnic or cultural allegiance, not character, though it may just be nerves. I wouldn't want to be on Bannon's bad side, judging from what I saw on that white-board.

Make Your Case

Donald Trump should have been laughed off the stage in the last election. It shouldn't have even been close. Some of you wonder: how could this happen?

People don't like going backwards. Poorer Trump voters think they are going backwards because of real or imagined declines in income and status--or because of desegregation.

(Yes, really. They're still pissed about that.)

These (culpably or not) losers voted for Trump. Tragically they voted for the very people who screwed them, assuring more screwing. This is a failure of the Democrats. 

How hard is it to make a case against a party with a fifty-year record of consistent, colossal incompetence? Democrats handed the remnants of the middle class over to Republicans.

Teach Your Children

Parents, it's important to consider at what age you will have "the talk" with your children, explaining to them that they will inherit a society of reduced possibilities and expectations. Under unjust, right-wing policy prescriptions, enacted through determination and deceit, social mobility has been reduced, high-quality manufacturing jobs have fled and other jobs are becoming more insecure by the minute. 

Add to this the influence of money and the trend towards an upper echelon of ruling elites with inherited hundreds of millions running the show and you have a recipe for increasing misery forever, our bequest to our kids because we failed in our duty to hand the American Dream on to them unimpaired. Too early and this knowledge might cause emotional injury. Too late and your kids might not be prepared. 

America Lacks Talent

Picture Donald Trump stumbling onto the presidential stage before a panel of judges, under the usual rules of the genre--which he was fine with before, when he was in the judging seat. Would they let him finish his humiliating performance or save him (and us) from this miserable affront to decency and any sense of competence and conviction?  

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

We All Want to Change the World

I want to change the world--into a more decent and kind and humane place. Where do I go with that? Political institutions, under a rogue and despot named "Trump" and supposedly supported by me through unwilling funding and a compliance imposed by a government of thugs, crooks and paid empresarios of doom, are overwhelming everything I could do in my lifetime if I had it to do over. What's the use. It may take a revolution.

The Flight 93 Presidency (by Dextrous Mouse)

I wouldn't promote it as a persistent fantasy--yet--but as more of a recreational one, that the Flight 93 experience of rational Americans opposed to the horror of Trump isn't actually happening, that we aren't on a plane piloted by lunatics as an implement of the apocalypse, but that everything is fine and the birds are singing and the flowers are blooming and Bambi is browsing in the underbrush.

What do you do with the foreknowledge of certain doom? A reasonable course would be to immerse yourself in the most pleasant fantasies available. But, wait, isn't that what the Trumpists are doing--the economic and religious puritans--embracing the certainty of destruction and welcoming it and encouraging it along, with the reassurance of rebirth, salvation and their fantasies of superiority? 

OH...MY...GOD. I see it now. They have forced us into their world, restricted to a choice of faith or despair--no hope--with a big sign on the cabin door barring reason, cooperation, decency and freedom, the existence of which in creation is an affront to their deterministic gods. I pause here to attune myself to the great, inchoate, aboriginal sigh of sadness for the lost and unrealized potential of humanity.

Taxation Without Representation

Democratic elected officials try to represent the interests of all Americans and the country as a whole but Republicans--witness Trump--do not. Trump has a negative mandate and no respect for this. 

Bush had a negative mandate and did whatever he wanted with catastrophic results. Most Americans have no representation and are forced to pay for Republican insanity directly and otherwise.

My Fellow Americans:

Remember, as you witness the spectacle and reality-show of Donald Trump's destruction of our country, that it is brought to you by Southern White People and especially Evangelical (so-called) Christians. 

Without these groups America might still be a decent country. And notice how well Trump resembles one of their millionaire preachers, accountable to no one and living a life of privilege and indulgence.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Fop and Pompadour

How I long to see the last days of the fop, Trump. I hope to see the tail-fins of his pompadour receding into the waste heap of history like the tail-fins on a 1960's car on the way to the junkyard, an interesting but inefficient throwback. I don't blame Trump now or the Kochs or Mercers or anyone but the criminally stupid American voters.