Friday, February 6, 2015

A Fiasco to Remember

Thank God I usually sleep well, because I now wake up to the nightmare of witnessing the work of the new Republican majorities, a lot to handle. About a year and a half ago I stopped listening to NPR in the morning because I couldn't stand hearing about all the evil-doing.

Now I may have to give up print journalism. I can't take it anymore. After thirty years of failed Republican economic and social policies they continue to push for the same stuff. How can this happen? We witness with horror. You cut taxes and you don't reduce overall spending:

Deficits skyrocket. You deregulate everything: Financial markets go berserk and take the world economy down. You get on your knees before big business and they want cheap labor: Bye-bye jobs, bye-bye happiness. I've had enough of instant forgetting.

How about some accountability?

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