Tuesday, February 24, 2015

He's Got the Hat

There are images you wish you could get out of your head and they won't go. One for me is a photo I saw of Bill O'Reilly in an "American Patriot" hat. I thought "now I know we've lost" because, well, he has the hat so he must be the patriot. 

And they've got their "Real American" caps and clean-living, hard-working guy caps and loyal citizen caps and endless other ones, including "Saved," though it turns out that Bill's "been there, done that" combat cap was a load of horse snot. 

The cap does not make the man, but the man the cap, it seems, and creatively. O'Reilly and Company are not any of the things they claim but creators of illusion and confusion, and with a hat there to help. They should do sneakers, too, Air-O'Reilly's and such.

Designed for fleeing and evasion, the fucking cowardsWhat an insult this is to those Americans sent off to risk their lives at war, and in some cases to lose them, by these self-congratulating, fear-mongering suckers-off-the-system. How many houses does O'Reilly have now?

And what is his net worth? Man, the cynicism must be vast, acres of it, growing like kudzu, since they're never properly called out on their crap, meaning they should lose their jobs and their money and their status for their lies. It's all they care about, that stuff and their vanity.

They should all be pariahs and forced to wear penance hats for some period, with something silly and humiliating on them, like "suck-face." It would serve them right.

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